Joy Pink.......and the International Day of the Girl. Seriously. Today is.........
Once upon a time, there was a flat of foster homes, owned by a Christian ministry called Sarah's Covenant Homes. This particular building was named Joy Home. On the main floor, was a flat, or apartment that housed 9 little girls with varying special needs from blindness to hand/foot deformities to down syndrome and other things. Prior to living as a family in Joy Pink apartment, these children were in different small foster home care with Indian caregivers, with american foster moms who raised their own support and came for several months at a time to volunteer.......and prior to that, some of these 9 Joy Pink girls lived in one big complex called Victory Home. This is where I first met several of the girls in Joy Pink. Sleeping crib to crib, and bed to bed in big rooms with sometimes 20 or more other children..........and prior to that, these special needs children were in a government orphanage in India. Each of these girls were abandoned orphans with special needs. My friend Sarah rescued them and signed gaurdian papers to provide their care. She does not get money from the Indian Government. She supports these children and the 160 other special needs kids in her care.....with donations from Christians and Christian business around the world. Why? Because these children belong to the Lord. They may have been abandoned because of some need their parents could not meet, or because there was fear of bad Karma in the Hindu religion to have a child with disabilities......or who knows what other stories lay behind their precious lives., in 2015, 167 children or more are in the care of Sarah's Covenant Homes in India. and 9 little girls live in this home, called Joy Pink. Isn't it lovely? They are no longer orphans, but rescued children, named and loved. Some may be adopted. None will ever be left again. These kids have travelled a long way from wherever their stories began.......and I want to join in the journey of the 9 girls that live in Joy Pink home. Would you join me? Wanna make a Joy Pink club? You can know their names and see their pictures and follow their lives if you do........
As I have been nudged by God to really beat the drum for these children in India, I have received overwhelming support and financial blessing. Thank you all so, so much! When checks come in I ask, "where can this go? what can this buy? and I must admit it is so discouraging to see how vast the need is...........
But the Lord met me this week in my moment of discouragement.....and he offered me a yoke that I think I can carry with him. He confirmed it in several 2 of the children in Joy Pink are already receiving partial sponsorship from Roger and I and my parents and Todd and they already feel like our kids. I have met almost all of them.....some on both visits! I know these girls. I have held them on my lap and sang them songs and kissed their cheeks and dried their tears.
The 9 girls of Joy Pink do not presently have a foster mom. This means that their needs are greater. When foster moms travel to India to volunteer and parent, they raise their own support and their local church and family and friends all rally around "their kids" in "their home"......but Joy Pink doesn't have a foster mom right now. Pray with me, that someone chooses to travel to India to foster these little girls.......and that some who are matched for adoption will get to travel to their forever homes soon......and that all needs are met in Jesus name.
Let me know if I can add your name to the membership of Joy Pink club......and join me on the journey to follow these 9 girls on down their path to their destiny, to whatever the Lord created them to do in the me or message me or email me or comment here.......I'll be super-depressed if the Joy Pink club remains a club of 1. Oh crap. Now I feel like I'm back in junior high and I"m planning a party and scared no one will come. Ugh.
Hi. I just discovered this post and would love to join the "Joy Pink" club. I am not sure if you still read this blog, but really want to join.