Big boys do cry

This morning in church, a family came to the row in front of us.  Mom, dad, and 3 kiddos.  I didn't know them so I studied them a bit.  Then, Josiah threw a fit, and another fit....and a louder fit...because he is a 2 year old who is potty-training....and willful...and emotional.  I took him out.  Then Precious came out.  I talked Precious into taking Joe to "Little Lambs" but when we got there, he freaked out.  He wants just me.  Night.  and day.  but he agreed to let Jeremiah join him in Little Lambs 2 year old church.  Jeremiah is a sweet, sweet boy.  He left church to go help Joe.  I sat back down in our row in church.....20 minutes later.

The family ahead of me was snuggling, kids and parents, in that sweet way that keeps children quiet during the sermon.  Pastor said something like this:   "when I was young, we were taught that big boys don't cry".....and the dad ahead of me looked down at the boy lounging on his lap and he said, "that's not true.  big boys do cry".....and the the little one looked up at his dad with belief in his eyes.  Then the pastor said that very same thing.....big boys do cry.....and the dad smiled at his son and the son looked at his dad like he was the smartest man on earth.

Big boys do cry.

I loved witnessing this teachable moment between God, a father, a son, and a pastor.  It's why we go to church, really.  Big boys do cry.  I want to help the cause and for the right reasons....not because of a loss at a ball game, or a break up with a girl friend or a missed opportunity....but when big boys do cry, let it be with tears from Heaven.

Let big boys cry because there are children without fathers, and orphans without food, and families without help, and single moms without support.  Let big boys cry because there are women being abused in their homes and children without hope.....and let big boys cry for social justice and not just personal gain.  Let big boys cry for social justice.....Lord God in Heaven....let it be so.  


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