changes from 6 to 7 and Jeremiah

"Spoil me Sunday" came for Jeremiah today.  He started basketball last week but his shoes were too small so the catalyst for this date was the purchase of new shoes.  He is a 7 1/2.....which is smack dab in the middle of child shoes vs. adult shoes.  If you are a parent, you know that the difference is about $30.00.  Also, with the cooler mornings and the threat of cold winter coming soon he needed pants.  My boys wear shorts for 6 months, then sweat pants for 6 various shades of black and grey.  Jeremiah gained about 20 pounds and grew about 4 inches since last year.  After church, we went shopping.

We drove away from home munching on honey crisp apples and listening to music, enjoying the fall sunshine and harvest in the fields and all the colors of leaves on the trees.  Jeremiah deserved my full attention today even tho I was worried about Isaac who is sick, and the littles who are so much work.  Jeremiah and I were going out for a special date day.  It was his day today.

The difference between a 6 and a 7 in shoes isn't just needing to go shopping.....its a subtle difference in boy to young man.  Jeremiah asked me questions, like what was my favorite sport when I was his age.....and we went to Red Lobster and he was adventuresome and tried a new salad dressing and clam chowder.  When we went shopping, he always checked the sale rack first.  He knows we don't have lots of money.....but we do want our kids to have what they should have.  We had a great day.  I wish we had had more time to go to a movie or play a round of disc golf.....but we needed to get home with dinner and to help get the family set up for the week.  (and I needed to be home for Isaac-day 2 of strep throat and miserable).  We stopped at the grocery store near the mall and picked up a frozen lasagna, some chinese for Jeremiah and a plate of sushi for Grace.

This sweet tweener boy who lives between a 6 and 7 was excited to show Claire and her friend Taylor his purchases, including his new church outfit......and he was helpful and grateful to me.  Gosh.  I love him so much.  It was such a gift to be able to spend a few hours alone with him.

Spoil me sunday matters so much because it is actually spoiling me with love for my kiddos.  I hope I can keep it going a couple times a year forever.


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