Monday ugh.

Today I was that the medical clinic in the waiting front of a former client even.  Josiah was wailing because he had gotten a flu shot and was really mad and sad......and tired.....and he enjoyed the echo in the lobby of the clinic.  He was crying and wailing really loud and I said it.  I really did.  Through desperately clenched teeth,  I growled into his ear and said this, "Do you want another shot?  If you keep crying I can get you another one!"  It worked.  He whimpered awhile and in fear, decided the path of least resistance would be to go to sleep in my arms.  Shameful.  mortifying, really....and yet that is what we do when we are desperate.

I had Josiah and Precious in for their daycare physicals, which included freezing off a wart, an ENT referral and shots.....and Isaac who has been ill since last Friday with no improvement.  I had already worked about 6 hours and my phone was pinging with responses to requests for visits, etc. ( I would have much rather been working than sitting at the clinic with 3 stressed out kids.)

After 2 hours at the clinic, I had to get different meds from the pharmacy, and reward potato chips for Precious....and make dinner.....and tonight I am sitting down, 12 hours after the last time I sat down.  Dinner was fixed.  6 loads of laundry were done.  I worked.  Health care was saught......and it really only 7:30pm?

Ugh.  ugh.  ugh.  


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