Psalm its best for me!

Psalm 16:6.......ooh, ooh, ooh.....get ready.

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."


This is why Psalm 16 is one of my favorites....verse 6.  This verse could be the summation of my life.  It's not my life verse.....but it is in the top 10 for sure.  We all have boundary lines.  I used to hate the thought of that.  The free spirit in me wanted to test all boundaries, challenge all authority.....not be contained in any way.

Then I grew up.

I allowed Creator God to define my boundary lines and they most certainly have fallen for me in pleasant places.  I have such a good life.  It's not an easy life, for sure.  It's not a perfect life.  It's not even an inspiring life most days....but it is a good life.  He is in charge.  He sets the boundary lines.  I know exactly where they are.  I know His voice, I know His Will for me, most days....and most importantly......I know that I know that I know that God loves me.  He is my Heavenly Father.....and surely.....surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Not a wealthy one, or an extravagant one.  But a delightful inheritance.  Good things are coming.....because the Lord Himself defines my boundaries.  They do indeed exist in pleasant places.


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