life lessons from Compel 2015...

One of my big take-away messages from the Compel conference is this phrase from Jennifer Rothchild, "Who you are and how you feel are not the same thing."

Who you are and how you feel are not the same thing.

Let that settle a bit.

For me, I often feel like a person who is always cooking and picking up and wiping noses and changing diapers and driving kids around and doing laundry......and in my spare time I have this career that involves walking with families and children.....and helping them with their burdens.

Who I really am, is a child of God.

I feel very tired.  I feel old.  I feel fat and frumpy and unattractive.  Often, I feel disappointed in myself.

Who I His dearly loved daughter.

Who you are and how you feel are not the same thing.

My sweet and very complicated daughter Precious needs to learn this truth.  She is constantly battling feelings that are negative and I will be asking the Lord to help me teach her as well, that who you are and how you feel are not the same thing.


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