Psalm 16:7

I'm still chugging through it and faithful to it.  I love Psalm 16 and I'm not quite done.  Verse 7 says this, "I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me."

Yes.  I will praise Him and yes, he does counsel me.  I often don't like what he is telling me to do or be....and his advice is sometimes not welcome.  My "yes" is in my Praise.  (Praise is easier than "yes").......lets all get good at praise so that we can sometimes manage "yes".

Even at night, my heart instructs me......

Well.  We all know that nighttime is not easy here.  Tonight is no exception......sigh.  Pardon me while I deal with Precious and her flailing about.  I'll be back.


 The good news is that we are sleeping.....if we allow the littles to sleep with us.  It's the getting to sleep that is hard right now.  But we are gaining ground.  Even at night, my heart instructs me.  I trust Him with my nighttime, my dreams, my snuggles.  Jesus is my heart.  He may have my nighttime as well.

I like to think that while I am sleeping, regardless of my dreams, that He is counselling and healing and ministering to me, and to Roger and to our children.  I have no reason to believe he is not, so I will just keep that thought.  He is with me in the night.  


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