What matters.....

I'm still pondering the lessons from COMPEL 2015.....and I'm still committed to Psalm 16.....but because I live in a chaotic world I deserve to break from both and just vent and reflect.  That is why I blog, after all.  The State of the Union address is happening right now and it matters.  My 12 year old will get credit at school for watching it....and it is historical.

Tonight our entire family sat around the table and "broke bread" together....and a few times we broke out in laughter at something we all understood as family.....and it mattered too.

Josiah sang, "You are My Sunshine" after I put on his pjs and nighttime diaper and he let me make a video and put it on facebook.....and for the bio aunties and grands and cousins, as well as for his family and friends now...it matters.

Precious is doing much better on some meds for ADHD and with school and dance and kinder music and with some control over her thoughts it is clear to see how smart and sensitive she is....and it matters.

OK.  well she just stormed out of bed because Josiah took her spot next to me in bed and she is jealous.....she chucked her fruit snacks pack at me and said she will never sleep with Josiah again.  Whatever.  It's 9:15pm, Precious......I'm about out of good parenting minutes.  Each minute matters.

Lexi gets to stay up until 10 because after 10pm she cannot eat anymore.....tomorrow she goes in for routine shots and a "snip snip" to make sure she cannot make puppies with any random players in the neighborhood.....we do not need "mutt" puppies here.  Proper puppy care matters.

Claire is having a very successful freshman year of high school.  Good grades, a fun experience on dance team, homecoming court.....and working whenever she can at the dance studio to help pay dance bills.  Her attitude matters.

Isaac is finishing up jr. high basketball and did a really good job this year.  I think he finally gets the game and he's not half bad at it!  In February he starts working on the school musical, Annie Jr.  He even has a speaking part!  He has a girl he likes.  He has the beginning of teenage attitude and pimples and sleepiness....and for some reason.....having Isaac become a teenager cuts deeper.  It matters.  He is the son of my heart....my mini-me.  I am proud of him.

Jeremiah is my monkey in the middle.  Lexi chewed up the frames of his spendy glasses awhile back so we are headed back to the eye doctor to have an exam and order new ones.  This 10 year old admitted that not wearing his glasses mattered.....his reading scores have dropped and now he is in an assisted reading group again.....because he hasn't worn his chewed up glasses.  (chaos in the home much?  yeah.).....so Friday we can go back in and get him outfitted for new specs.  Because....as you can predict.....it matters.

Jedi...the 3 year old Schnoodle doesn't get much blog attention.  He keeps it on the down low.....he growls and barks and plays and sleeps and tries to dominate the German Shepherd......but really, he just enjoys life because he knows that it matters.

Roger and I....well.  We have decided that every moment matters.  Every meal.  Every kiss.  Every time our family sits in church together.  Every date.  Every Sunday afternoon nap.  Every lunch at home alone without kids.  Each "every" matters.

Lets all take note of what matters....and what doesn't.  Lord Jesus, help us to clearly identify what matters most and treasure it and commit it to you!


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