
Showing posts from December, 2014

the holidays

We are at the end of the 2014 Christmas holiday.  It was awesome....concerts and programs and parties and presents....lots of time with family and lots of good food.  We are so blessed.  The family we did not see blessed us with cards and gifts by mail....and we cannot match all that we have received.  We cannot pay-back or re-gift.  We can just receive and say thank you......and know that sometime soon it can be our turn to give. More than the gifts, I hope my family understands the investment in family and in spiritual growth.....and for know that Jesus trusts me with this much is overwhelming. I have a few days left of Dressember.  I'm ready to be done and wear pants again in the winter.  I will continue to know that girls are trapped in human trafficking....and will do what I can to fight that, long after I stop wearing dresses.  My heart is always with Sarah's Covenant Homes of India....and yesterday they took in twin newborn ...

Imagine the snapshot.....

There was a perfect moment today that I hope I don't forget.  All of our children were in the family room, sitting on the floor and lounging on chairs.  They were putting together the train track for Josiah and talking and working together and even the dogs were milling about and part of the action and the lights on the tree were sparkling and the candles were glowing and smelling wonderful...... I could almost forget the dozen times I snapped or snarled at someone today, and the millionth time I bent down to pick something up off the floor.....or the hours spent in the kitchen over holiday food....etc.  Being the mom at Christmas is hard work.  The shopping and wrapping and planning and cooking and pleasing and cleaning and hoping and praying and purposing it to be a meaningful as I reflect on this Christmas day, 2014.....there is much I feel bad about.  I'm not a very patient mom.....and when someone starts to fall apart I tend to follow them.......

O Holy Night - Mariah Carey


'Twas the night before Christmas....oh Holy Night

'Twas 14 minutes til Christmas and all through this house....only the dogs were stirring and hopefully no mouse.  The stockings wait to be hung with care until I know Josiah is asleep because there is a missing tooth brush....and some gift cards.....and I think they are in my bedroom where Roger is trying to get the over-stimulated toddler to sleep..... The dogs were cooped up too long without human contact while we went to candle light church service and then to nana and papa for dinner and they are really, really wild now.  I think they are waiting up for santa claus.....and should I tell them he isn't coming.....or not?  They just went out the dog door to check..... Precious went down to sleep with the big kids.  They tried to take josiah as well but he wasn't having any part of that tonight.....too much holiday hullabaloo....he wants familiar and comforting (aka my bed). Oh.....if I only knew he was sleeping....I could hunt up that toothbrush...

Casting Crowns - I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (Lyrics)


The path to Christmas......

'Twas the day before Christmas and all the the house, the children and puppies were wreaking havoc and choas in the excitement and anticipation of holiday celebrations.......and dad was at the office trying hard to be productive.....and mama was at the coffee shop appearing to be charting but really eavesdropping on conversations all around! As I get older, the people in coffee shops who are half my age seem to have it all figured out.  They have all the answers, and abundant confidence in their philosophy......and I remember that once I was that girl as well. Self-righteous indignation at the stupidity of so many things, and the obtuse way of looking at the world that was so inept.....etc, etc. Age and time and life experience are great teachers if one positions him or herself in a place of humility and learning.  As life goes on I know less and less and have fewer answers to all of the problems of the world.  With each year I am blessed to look closer in the pres...

'twas the saturday before Christmas and all through the house.....

Today was a rare Saturday in the Kredit family.  We didn't have a swim meet or a ball tournament or a dance we woke up and lingered in jammies.....and sipped coffee....and snuggled.  Then we breathed a collective sigh......and got to work cleaning.  And cleaning.  And organizing.  And Cleaning.  Everyone helped.  It was epic.  Claire was having some friends over she even cleaned.  We had Christmas music playing in 3 different areas, candles burning, soup on the stove.  What an absolutely wonderful day for this mama...... I urged, begged, pushed and cheered Roger on to take the kids to the rec center after lunch.  I need a minute (or 60) to wrap some gifts and do some late Christmas shopping at Walmart.  Yes.  Walmart.  We live in a small town and that's all I had.  Don't go there.  I spent about 90 minutes saying "excuse me" to other shoppers I banged into as we weaved up...

Looking back.....

Last year, at this very time, we were in South Dakota with Roger's parents to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.  60 years......lets just pause a minute and absorb that.  60 years.  Together, as a married couple, they saw the evolution of computers and cell phones and internet and much, much more.  I read in a nursing journal today that the new average life expectancy in America for men is age 76 and for women is age 81.  My in-laws are 82 and 84 (I think) in this photo.  After a holiday celebration with their family and friends they headed to Arizona for the next 4 months to turn back time and came back to us in the spring younger and fresher than when they left.  I am so very grateful for the Lord's perfect matching in them....because they built a quiet and humble and responsible life, raising four beautiful children and contributing much to the world.  They are an example to me, of a marriage built on generosity and not selfishness, of...

a fun day

Today was "mental health day".  Several times a year, I find a magical day that I can get by without working or doing house work.....and just take care of me.  Self Care.  It is a beautiful thing.  A local college student had asked if I could take her to the airport for Christmas break.....and I decided to shop a bit before christmas after driving her there.  I invited Jeremiah to join me because he had a few things yet to buy.....and he loves shopping and buying and having stuff.  He's the middle child....he needs a bit more one on one time.  Plus....he is grateful and he is easy! My mental health day was threatened by a sudden lack of daycare due to viral illness from my sitters child.  My mom and my hubby stepped up for me.  Thank you....thank you.  I got to go to exercise class, get my nails done, shower....and go shopping today!  I feel much, much better inside and out. Mental health day matters.  It helps combat any ...

Joy To The World by Go Fish


I see Joy.....

The stockings are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.....the children are nestled all snug in their beds (well, not Josiah.  He's here with me asking me to snuggle him.  Precious has visions of sugar plums dancing in her head but in our bed, not hers.....etc.)  The classic poem of Twas the night before Christmas is awesome but we all know its not don't actually sleep all snug in their beds!  Nor do Roger and I wear  kerchief and cap.....but you get the point.  Why do we hang stockings if St. Nick isn't gonna squeeze down our chimney?  Tradition.  When I see this photo it is a clear affirmation to me that the Lord has a plan and it is always for my good.  2 of these stockings were hand-me-downs from my mom when we got married.  My family has always been big on stocking stuffers.  In our first house we didn't have a fire place but I hung those 2 stockings somewhere and on Chris...

Why a new blog?

Welcome to a new season.....change is good, people.  Make your adjustments and lets all move forward.  I am doing the same.  Why change? When I started the blog:, we were starting our journey to adopt for the first time.  It was six years ago.  Now, we are a family of 7 with 3 bio kids, 2 adopted kids and 2 parents.  I'm different now.  I started with our family and a few close friends checking the blog for adoption updates and now people I barely know read the blog regularly.....and it is hard to write from the heart and keep it all straight, regarding who is reading and what they will think..... It was time for a fresh start and a new focus.  In my heart, I have readily established that God answers my prayers.  My new prayer, and voice, will be to make sure that I focus everything on God's glory and not my own....because I really have quite an amazing life.  It would be easy to just boast in th...