New Year's Eve/Glory
It's December 31. Tomorrow starts a new year, new month, new week On A Monday!!!!! Is this epic for anyone else? The entire holiday season from the week before Christmas until now has been me wondering what day it is, where do we need to go and who will be around.....I am so dysregulated. Tomorrow it all makes sense again. Tomorrow is Monday and even though I won't start my work week until Tuesday, the Mondayness of Monday, January 1, 2024 is glorious to me. Fresh starts, fresh dates, fresh awareness....except I will retire my 2023 word for the year and replace it with a new word that I am pretty excited about. I quietly asked the Lord if He had a word for me for 2024....something to train my thoughts upon, a word to be my lighthouse when I find myself feeling lost, worried, defenseless. I know He will never leave me or forsake me but this world is stinkin hard and sometimes it feels like I'm not sure what to do next. If I have a word that links me to Him, then I have a path to the lighthouse. He told me what it will be for 2024.
I get to learn about and lean into and reach for and scream at Glory for the next 365 days. I'm so excited! We don't have a crystal ball to tell us what is coming (thank goodness). We have only to get up each day and do the next right thing, and use our 24 hours in whatever way we choose to, and do that over and over and over for 365 days. We have so much authority and control and free will in our days. I am going to honor those who don't with a bit of awareness that freedom is not clear or available to everyone. Lord, set the captives free. Drop the scales from the eyes of the blind and let them see clearly. Lift the veil that the evil one likes to cast over us so that we don't believe the lies and the fear and the shame. Open our ears to hear the angels singing, and reach down and touch us and dwell in us, Emanuel, and give us your wisdom, your calling, your compassion and your peace.
I hope in the new year to read more, to write more, to learn more, to move more....and to fear less, to worry less, to want less and to be less angry. But if none of that happens compared to what 2023 looked like, at least I will better understand
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