A partridge in a pear tree

 On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me....a partridge in a pear tree.  Christian folk lore says that the partridge in a pear tree represents Jesus Christ, who died on a cross for us.  I read that a mother partridge will die to protect her young.  Jesus did this for you and for me.  It is right to start the 12 days of Christmas looking at Jesus.  It is His birthday we are making a fuss about after all.  I'm sure he enjoys his birthday celebrations.  I sure do!  I love to celebrate birthdays for people I cherish.  I want their day to make them feel special and loved and wanted and important.

Jesus, how do celebrate your birthday?  How do we elevate you in our attention and focus, make you the most important person of the day?  How do we show you you are special and loved and wanted and important?  Show us this year, Lord Jesus.  Please show us and give us your wish list.  

I learned today that at the Capital building of my state, Iowa, in Des Moines, there is a display set up.  It is a display of the church of satan.  An organized group of its members applied to display their shrine or whatever they call it and because they did everything right in their application, it could not be denied.  They are super excited to share their religion and symbols there for the next 2 weeks.  2 weeks.  

The war between good and evil is real.  It is alive.  It is every changing and learning and shifting its focus here and there, this way and that way, hoping to keep everyone off balance.  Our job....my job....is to not fall asleep or get lulled into complacency by the Christmas lights and music and shopping and baking.  My job is to pay attention to the 5:00 news and the fact that there are satan worshippers who have set up shop in my state capital.  

I can say it is not ok.  I can get mad and rage....but seriously we are so far beyond that folks.  Freedom of religion, the constitution, all the things.  I am not gonna get mad or rage.  I will notice and I will raise awareness and I will turn my face from that ugly deal to the Partridge in a Pear Tree...

Spoiler alert.  The partridge already kicked satan's butt.  (someone should tell them at the capital so they can stop wasting time trying to make every one mad and spread fear. )

For me, tomorrow December 13 marks the first day of Christmas.  I will put on the full armor of God and it may look red and green for Christmas or it may not. 

God, what would you have me notice for the second day of Christmas?  I can't wait to find out  



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