11th and 12th days of Christmas

 On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 11 drummers drumming....representing the 11 disciples who went on to tell the world about Jesus.  Judas betrayed him and the other 11 went on to spread the gospel and share the salvation story...the first missionaries.  If it were not for these 11 drummers drumming I would not have known about Jesus.  I would not be saved and have my future secured in Heaven.  

On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 12 Lords a Leaping....it is said this represents the 12 points of the Apostles Creed.  I was required to memorize this creed in my church growing up....and later when I found myself lost and confused and broken and a long, long way from home, God used this creed to help me stay sane and not lose my mind.  I recited it over and over and I wrote it in journals and I repeated it on dark and scary nights.  The 12 Lords a Leaping likely saved my sanity as well as my soul.  

It is Christmas Eve.  Tonight we will have our candle light Christmas eve church service and then go to my mom's home for dinner and fellowship.  The forcast predicts that rain will turn to snow in the night and tomorrow on Christmas day we may actually have a white Christmas.  Gosh that would be lovely.  

Thanks for following my journey of the 12 days and the ties to faith it represents to our faith.  Merry Christmas.  


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