2 Turtle Doves

 On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 2 turtle doves and a partridge in a pair tree.  It is believed that the 2 turtle doves represent the old and new testement of the bible.  Doves represent truth and peace.  

I don't have much to say about the Old and New Testament other than the old testament is pre-Jesus and the new is the rest of the story after he was born, lived, died and the church as we know it was born.  I like going to church.  I don't always agree with church order but church is like family to me....and you don't walk away from family.  I had a season as a young adult where I did walk away from church and from Jesus and it was the darkest and lonliest time of my life.  It was so miserable that when I decided to turn 180 degrees and walk back into faith and a relationship with Jesus it was for good and for forever.  I never want to feel that alone ever again.  I am never alone because I walk with Jesus now.  The Old Testament needed the New Testament and vice versa, to make that happen.

2 Turtle doves together represent truth and peace.  Truth alone can be harsh and cold and abrupt.  Peace alone can be a bit to comfortable and easy, where we can let our gaurd down and not be watchful or questioning.  Truth is better with peace and peace cannot exist without truth.  

The devil operates in lies and division.  Those are the opposite of truth and peace.  Be watching for where in your life you are fighting lies, shame, guilt, insecurity and untruth.  That is where the devil is moving.  Be watching where there is war and unrest rather than peace in your heart, in your world.  The devil has his hand there.  Fight against it.  Reach for peace, work for peace, ask God to help find peace.....and know peace when it rests on you.

Peace comes from God.  Truth comes from God.  2 Turtle Doves.  second day of Christmas.....10 to go. 


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