2016 Easter message.

A long time ago......I had a conversation with someone that made me kind of  catch my breath, and choke on my tongue...I wasn't sure how to respond and as I freaked out.....God said to me:  "Breathe.  Swallow.  Apply Grace."  Quietly.  Firmly.

Those conversations and interactions happen more frequently now, with time and as an older, seasoned woman.  His words echo in my heart daily......Breathe.  Swallow.  Apply Grace.

Today was no exception.  I tried hard to breathe....swallow...and apply Grace.....and as I worshipped in my church and had a meal with my family and took a nap and then made my baby boy giggle with kisses and tickles... I can say this.  The Lord breathes.....swallows....and applies Grace to me every day.

I think this is why...and how.

Jesus, the son of God, came to Earth as an infant and lived as a Human (Christmas).  He had a ministry for 3 years and then the world He lived in killed Him.  In His Death.....He battled Satan....who is evil, personified.  Satan is hurtful, destructive, all-things-not-God.  Satan wants to rob us of our salvation, our joy, our peace, our purpose.  He makes it his life's work to do that....especially in the lives of Christians.  I.  Hate.  Satan.

Jesus was in the grave for 3 days......or so the story goes....and then He kicked Satan's butt and defeated him.....and...Jesus won.  Jesus is the victor.  Jesus is the King.  and this too:  

Jesus is Alive.

That is Easter.  Jesus wins.  Every day.  I'm on His team, by the way, so today and every day I can declare Jesus Christ as Lord.......I also win.

I am flawed.  I am less than.....I am in need of my Savior every day.  Easter says I have His blessing and His power, His forgiveness, His grace.  His redemption, His salvation.....His victory.

Holy cow.  I do.  So do you.  Jesus is here and Jesus is extending His hand to each of us every day....salvation from hell, eternity with Him......Grace for each of our days.....and a better life here and in life eternal.

Please choose Him.  If you don't know how.....let me know and I will put you on the path.

Breathe.  Swallow.  Apply Grace.....to yourselves and every single person you meet.  


  1. Breathe, Swallow, Apply Grace. Your wise words years ago have gotten me through some of my darkest times!


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