no longer a camping family....
Last summer we decided as a family that we wanted to attend the Kredit Family Reunion in Lyndon, Washington. Because we have 5 children, trying to get there became a bit of a financial challenge. We decided that driving an RV would make the most we bought one. Roger did his research and was a smart shopper.....we drove to southern Nebraska on a Sunday afternoon.....liked the RV and after a lesson from the previous owner,Roger drove it home. It sat on the driveway most of the summer and the kids played in it and sometimes I escaped to it when I needed a few moments of silence and rest......and then we took it on the road trip of a lifetime. 17 days of travel......up through South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, then down the coast of Northern California to sister Lois and Dale for a few day, then home via Utah, Colorado, Nebraska. Wow. What a trip. We have fabulous photos and memories.....
Here's the thing. We are not a camping family. We have a pool in the back yard. We like our space at night. I am claustrophobic.....and really don't like engaging in small talk with strangers.
We knew when we bought it, that after our trip we would sell the RV. We tried last fall to no avail. We relisted it this month and sold it this week! The RV is leaving the drive-way tomorrow, which is a good thing because the 3 vehicles we drive, and busy schedules, and melting snow/mud are making it really hard to have a camper taking up half the drive-way!
I will miss this RV. Though I am not a camping person, I have loved having this space to retreat to when I am feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the kids, the chaos and mess of my house......and just a place to sit and relax and remember all of the good things that happened here.
I'm spending the night out here, I think. It was cold and I was wavering but then Roger, my Knight in Shining Armor, came out and plugged in electricity and brought me a space I think I will just remain here for one last night. Solitary......because that doesn't happen much in my home.
Thank you, Hurricaine, for the awesome vacation last year, and for the times I came to rest in you and hide from my family. I hope your new owners are blessed beyond measure by you.
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