
Spring Here.....

Wind, rain, mud, sun.
New perennials begin to poke through the wet, cold dirt.
We plant, we beg for sun, we hope to pack away the winter clothes.

We think about sandals and swimsuits and skirts.....
We cannot yet put away the rain boots and warm pants and stocking caps.
Spring means hope.

We light the grill more often, we think less about casserole.
We buy watermelon and strawberries......
And hope for ripeness.

Spring means hope.

Hope springs eternal.
Words play on words play on seasons play on sunshine, play on life.

Today I noticed that we all get 24 hours a day.
We choose how we choose to use each day.
We are accountable for what we do with our 24 hours a day.

Spring is here....so are we.
Let's make it matter.


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