gonna hit the dab for the hubs....translation: I have an awesome husband.

Tonight, Roger went to teach the sixth grade class at our church.  The class is Evangelism Explosion and he has taught it for each of the years our kids have taken the class so far.  Usually he is a "mentor" which means he is paired with 2 11/12 year old boys for the school year as they are walked through a course that prepares them to share the gospel.  This course is powerful and significant.  This year, Roger also needs to teach part of the curriculum.  He gets really stressed out when he teaches because he is not a teacher by trade, but a computer guy.

My husband is the kind of person who responds to a need with a "yes".  They needed teachers.  He reluctantly said he would try.  Tonight he was stressed about teaching....I told him this.

"Roger.....God doesn't call the equipped.  He equips the called."  I don't know who said this.  It's not from scripture but I still think its true.  God wants a yes from us and then he helps us figure out what to do.  He doesn't need the experts, the flawless.  He needs a willing heart and my husband has this.  As I encouraged him, I also felt like he should know this.  Teaching these 11 and 12 year old kids how to know the gospel and share it is the most important thing......and Roger should understand that it is an honor and responsibility that he was chosen to convey this.  He sits high and favored by God because he is willing to help these kids walk through this journey.  I told him this and I hope it mattered to him.  I hope he went and taught his lesson with pride and purpose and the blessing of God.

I teach little lessons every day, all day long.  Roger teaches big lessons......and that's ok.

Tonight, I am so grateful to God that He gave me a Godly husband.  I am so grateful that He saw that I would be a better adult and wife and mother and friend if I had a Godly husband.  My husband is loved by the Lord.  for sure.

We have a crazy and somewhat chaotic life.  We have more need than supply and are constantly chasing bills and debt.  We aren't the kind of family that "gets ahead".....and maybe that's ok.  What good does "ahead" do anyway?  


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