my Easter Psalm.....

Tonight I am considering all that I know that I cannot share....confidentiality.  It is a powerful thing.  Often, I hear, "please don't repeat this" or "this stays here"......and it's important stuff.  Some should probably be shared with someone smarter than me....but I respect the sanctity of confidentiality.

Late at night, the conversations turn around inside of me.....and the problems of the day cannot be solved but cannot be where do I go with the tenderness of peoples' lives?

I go to Jesus.  Jesus already knows.....and He is a secret-keeper......and He has POWER that I do not have.

Jesus.....take the tenderness of the lives I intersect with....and set them on your path.  Take the hurt and the questions and the mistakes and the hopes and just move them to your plan.  Please.  I have no need to keep them, or ability to right them.....but you, Jesus, you do.

Powerful, victorious came to earth as an infant and died as a sacrifice but that was only to teach us that the least will be greatest, the weak will be strongest.....and You will be magnified.  Fix the broken parts of me and of all the things shared with me in confidence, Lord.  Be glorified.  Be magnified.....Be greater and I cannot wait to be less.


Your championship battle.......

It's not about chocolate or bunnies or's about you kicking Satan's butt and making sure that we all know who is the boss.  Help me to share this truth....not just on this holiday but every day.

I want more time with you....more sitting at your feet, waiting on your words, worship and rest.  Show me, Jesus, how to find that time back.....and give you alone my first and my best.  Draw me away from the rules of the world, the pride of America, the need to feel good about myself.  Draw me back to your Holiness, your victory, your authority.

You are worthy.  


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