Thursday night Top Ten....cuz Letterman isn't doing it anymore....

David Letterman is off the air, but I still like his "Top 10 List".  Here is mine for tonight.

Top 10 reasons why I am a sub-par or different or inadequate parent......

1.  I let my kids play in the camper.  In fact, I encourage it.....until dad comes home.  Then I rush out and tell them to quick leave so dad doesn't get mad.  (well, sort of.  Dad doesn't really get mad.)
2.  I could NOT be a single mom.  Precious is making me crazy so she and Roger are sleeping out in the camper tonight to give me a break.
3.  At baseball, another mom tells her 5 year old...."don't put that ball under your shirt!  it will stretch it out!"  and my 5 year old looks at me and we both shrug our shoulders like, "is that a thing?  seriously?  who cares"
4.  I'm counting fruit snacks sold in bulk at Sam's Club as a healthy snack.
5.  I allowed Precious to choose a hot dog as a compromise to dinner.....and let her eat 2 of them.
6.  I am baffled by parents who only allow 30 minutes of screen time per day to their children.....seriously.  Roger and I both clock in way more than that.  Kids play games.  Internet games and pool games and yard games and night time games and made up games and games with grandparents......again....I am admittedly sub-par.
7.  If my kids don't get their chores done, I don't punish them.  I tell them to get to it tomorrow.  Thank goodness my job operates the same way....or I would have been fired a decade ago!
8.  Dance moms with binders try to line up 5 year olds in order for "curtain call" at dress rehearsal....and I'm like.....just go out there and smile and wave and bow!  It's fine!
9.  I freak out when P looses her hip hop pants because she loves to touch them and look at them.....and find an old pair from last year that Claire wore and after cursing and crying and sweating and praying, I put her in the daggum pants and send her out on stage....and the dance teacher says its fine.  So my sub-par part is where I am cursing and crying and praying and sweating and searching for these dumb pants.....just so ya know.
10.  I buy 6 fly swatters instead of closing doors and replacing screens.


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