reminder about change......

I realize I am not a typical person.....who thinks of typical things.  I also realize that the Lord often gives me atypical ideas that make Him smile and bless His children.  This change collecting venture seems to be one of those ideas.  Most people purchase things and go about life.  Me?  Since God gave me this "change for SCH India" idea?  I'm kinda wrecked.  I have a new passion for using cash for that I can have....change.  Every time I give a cashier a bill, and she drops coins in my hand, I smile inside.  As the change jingles into my hand and then to my purse I am thinking of names of children at Sarah's Covenant Homes in India who will benefit. Even the pennies.  God blesses the pennies, too.  I have a whole lot of change jingling around in my purse right now from the past month.  I am waiting to collect it.  Why?  Because when I do it will give me so much pleasure and satisfaction and awe and wonder for the Lord!  I really think that the longer I wait to dig around for the coins, the more that God will multiply them!  Faith?  Craziness?  Whatever.  Doesn't matter.  The coins will benefit the kids in India that I love so much!

I wrote a check last week for SCH for $400.oo with money collected from peoples' random change.  Please, please, your coins for these kids?  Pay with cash and count the change as a gift to them?  These children have names and stories....and destinies.....that can be achieved with the change in the bottom of my purse and yours.  Please?  Not for me.  for them.  


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