summer marches on

School let out a week ago but last week just felt crazy busy with dance rehearsals and recital, baseball schedule madness for Isaac and Jeremiah, and extra kids.  I love dance, and baseball, and extra kids....but for the first week of summer and the pool too cold for was a hard week.  Once, the Lord said this to me, "I will reward your best effort">  Not kidding.  He really said it.  I Wouldn't forget such a thing....."I Will reward your best effort".  And guess what?  HE Does!  over and over again.....

My best effort is usually not awesome.  But it remains to be my best effort.  The LORD delights in it.  He does.  And He rewards it, too.  This week was better.  Less on the schedule, less chaos, no dance......and my big kids are being present and helpful.  Yesterday Claire babysat the littles and Isaac and Jeremiah dug a deeper trench for a pool pipe and cleaned out the gutters on the roof.  Already, the summer looks bright.  

Tonight I came home from work hot and sweaty from the first day in the 90 degree temps for this year. I worked hard today and sat in the midday sun for Isaac's baseball game....and did lots of good work.  When I got home, Roger was heading out for league golf.....Jeremiah tried to start a bonfire but the wood was too wet from yesterday's rain.  Isaac was chillin in the basement after a very hot day of ball...and Calire and her friend cleaned my porch which was her chore today.  My mom came over to help me make some frozen fruit cups for a healthy snack for kids.....and sangria for the adults.....and I made 2 lasagnas.  One meat and one veg.....We walked the dogs and we watched Precious swim.....again....and I took note of the fact that today feels like summer.

The Lord will reward your best effort.  I think its not just a promise for me, but for all of us.  He sees.  He knows.  He urges us on to do better and better and rewards the best we can do even if its not much some days.  He is a good, good God and I am mostly a broken and flawed person....and yet I benefit from His reward every day.  Sunshine.  Healthy children.  A husband who works hard.  A mom who comes to help me make food.  Stable children.  A good, good job.  An inviting house, even if its messy.  Extended family and friends who love us and do not rain on our parade.....

And the parade marches on.  Summer parade now.  Sunshine, play, pool, parks, ball, strawberries and fresh fruits and little work as possible......itching bug bites and putting aloe on sun burns and shopping for tank tops and popcycles......

I'm hoping that one of my rewards from God is that summer will go very slowly this year.  I want to savor every day.....and not miss a thing.....and really take in the parade of summer....this year.


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