a follow up to my very humble post....

This weekend I got to go to a wedding in Omaha for my sweet cousin, Amanda.  Roger was generous and said to just go and he would take care of things at home.  It's really hard for me to just leave, even if its just for a night. ( Things go better when mama bird is in the nest, ya know? ) So I took a deep breath and packed my bag and told my mom to come pick me up for the wedding!  Glamorous, eh?  Yes.  I rode with my parents.  I did not, however, share a hotel with them.  I didn't.  I could have.......but instead, because I'm a big girl......I stayed with my aunties and the best family friend we have.  So I went and got dressed up and didn't look too shabby either!  It was so good to spend this time with my family.  They are my people.  They made me who I am and they love me....and they were so happy I was there.  The bride was radiant.  We 3 girl cousins smiled for a few photos....and I got to sit outside on a rooftop bar and listen to music and people-watch and visit with my relatives.

Claire came home from her 8 day mission trip from Tenissee while I was away.  It was hard to not be home to hear her first stories and hug her tight and tell her how proud I was of her......but her daddy was home and got to do all of that.  I almost wonder if the Lord ordained that her father was the first to see her and hear her stories and help her with what to share in church today......it would be like the Lord to slide me out of the way so that He could be glorified through both of them.  I enjoyed brunch in the hotel with my family.....and she spoke in front of our church even though she was tired and spent, and shared about the goodness of God on their trip.

When I got home mid-day, I had high hopes of swimming with the kids, hearing Claire's stories and affirming her, doing a bonfire supper and bonding.  My family?  Not so much.  I forgot we had couples bible study in 2 hours......and Precious said, "but MOM!!!!! you just got home!" and Claire was out of sorts because I wasn't home sooner but now mid-day just wanted to take a nap.  Josiah wanted me to rock him to sleep for a long nap and the boys wanted to play.  Roger needed a nap.


Roger napped.  I got Joe to sleep in the rock-a-bye chair, then swam with P and enjoyed the big boys in the pool, too.  Claire slept.  Roger went to bible study without me cuz I wanted to hear about Claire's trip and do the bonfire supper and stuff.....but the kids weren't in the mood for a bonfire.  Claire did come up and sat with me at the table and began to unpack her mission trip for me with stories and photos and emotion and I knew it was the right choice to stay home and be available, just in case.  As she talked, my throat got tight and my eyes welled with tears.  I began to understand that somewhere along the line, the Holy Spirit had passed my mantel to her.  She is on fire for Jesus and has a servant heart and wants to go out into the world and share the love of the Lord......and God equipped her with the people to do it this week in Tenissee.  One of my dearest friends was her small group leader and as Claire shared stories with me, it dawned on me that I was supposed to be at couples bible study with this friend, Deanne, and instead I stayed home to hear stories of how she and Claire showed Jesus to the people they met on this trip.

In that moment, at my dining room table, where all good things happen, I was humbled and in awe of how real God is and how important His work is in the world.  People.  All we have to do is show up and be authentic and ready for Him to show up.  Be ready for something wonderful to happen.  When you are.....it will.


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