winter to spring

It's cold and dark and dreary here now....but we know...that Spring is coming.  Winter lasts for a season...and then yields to spring.  Trees bloom, snow melts, the sun shines again!  The clouds rain down.....and the world turns green and lush again.  We put away the snow boots and snow pants and scarves.....

I and a few other Kredits suffer from seasonal affective disorder.  That means we get really bummed out when winter lasts a long time...and we crave the sun and warmth and being outside.  We don't have the resources to go to a tropical oasis and sit on a beach for a week.  Man, oh man, I wish we did.  But.  We don't.  We just have to plow through it.

We Kredits....we are made of hearty stuff.  We can persevere.  We can wait.  Soon we will see the trees in the yard begin to bloom, and the back yard will thaw.  Dad will pull back the cover from the pool and begin to clean it up.  The birds will come back and the puppies will fly around the back yard in jubilation....We will get out the soccer balls and the base ball gloves.....and we will soak up the sun and the fresh air once again.

I don't really want to see people's vacation photos of beach resort and sun and ocean.  I just don't.  It's selfish and petty.  I'm jealous and I'm frustrated by it.  I hate that.  I have so much to be grateful for....but in February....I should just shut down social media and pretend that no one else goes somewhere wonderful while I stay here.

And yet.....

what is here.....for

When I drive around the county I see the fields resting....and bald eagles......everywhere.
I see wide open skies, and amazing sunsets........
I see pretty Guatemalan girls waiting on the street corner in skirts and scarves for someone to take them back home.....
I see school busses and trucks loaded with hay bails....
I see life.

I don't get to go somewhere warm again this winter....but I get to know that spring is coming.  The trees will bloom and the sun will shine and the sky will be blue again.  God has set up the seasons to promise that!  In the mean time....seasonal affective disorder means that me, and Precious, and Jeremiah will all feel sad and crabby and snarky for awhile.

We are not alone.  Lots of people feel this way in mid-winter.

Thank goodness the seasons are always changing!


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