the strong people I know......

I have a very quietly crazy and amazing life.  I really do.  I rally my troups every day and hurry them out the door to school and daycare and work.....gulp down one perfect cup of coffee.....and jump into my car.  My day at work typically involves meeting incredible women and children.  Day after day, the stories they tell me blow me away, make me cry, make me smile and make me stand in awe of how resilient the human spirit is.  The women I work with are so strong, and so hopeful and so willing......and I get to hold their babies and gush over how beautiful they are and how lucky they are to be with mamas who love them so much.

I have also begun to walk a journey with birth moms......who love their babies so much and who ache for them.....and I get to hear their voices as they live through the process of allowing their babies to grow up in another family.


Because I visit teen mommies, and because I am a mommy, I work with young kids who are strong and smart and interesting......and I get to see how they are navigating this crazy thing called life, and trying to be good and kind and generous, as well as having their needs met.

My Jeremiah, who is my "monkey in the middle" is very generous.  He gives and he helps and he feels more than the average 10 year old.....and yet, every night......every.  night.  He will ask me, "mom, will you come down and tuck me in?"  Some nights I can and some nights I cannot, depending on how needy the littles are or how tired I am.  But he always asks.  He knows he deserves to have that end of the night kiss, and tucking of blankets and maybe a back rub.....why?  Because he is incredibly strong and deep and knows that he deserves it.

I'm gonna wrap up this post now and head down to do just that.


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