Psalm 16:8
"I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with him at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
The times when I am shaken, I think that I don't have Him at my right hand. Perhaps I moved.....or turned away....or lowered my gaze. When the Lord is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I want to live like one who cannot be shaken, no matter what. I'm not there yet. I long to be. Unshakable. The longer I live under the shelter of His wings, and the more I am willing to say "yes" to his requests.....the braver I am to fix my eyes on Him and not the things of the world.....the closer I get to unshakable.
Not if, but when I am unshakable.....the devil will not be able to rattle my cage so easily. Adversity and difficulty will roll off my back. Stress will not be an issue. When I always, always, always know that He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I will be be strong. Stronger than I am today.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord (I know where He is even when I don't always know where I am)....the Lord is always in my range of sight.....wait. maybe not always. Maybe sometimes I keep my eyes on the Lord. I want to move from sometimes to always. and strive for......
The times when I am shaken, I think that I don't have Him at my right hand. Perhaps I moved.....or turned away....or lowered my gaze. When the Lord is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I want to live like one who cannot be shaken, no matter what. I'm not there yet. I long to be. Unshakable. The longer I live under the shelter of His wings, and the more I am willing to say "yes" to his requests.....the braver I am to fix my eyes on Him and not the things of the world.....the closer I get to unshakable.
Not if, but when I am unshakable.....the devil will not be able to rattle my cage so easily. Adversity and difficulty will roll off my back. Stress will not be an issue. When I always, always, always know that He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. I will be be strong. Stronger than I am today.
I keep my eyes always on the Lord (I know where He is even when I don't always know where I am)....the Lord is always in my range of sight.....wait. maybe not always. Maybe sometimes I keep my eyes on the Lord. I want to move from sometimes to always. and strive for......
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