My big kiddos....

I'm a crazy proud mama today......and very tired.  We had a home swim meet today....the last for Isaac.  He swam this year to encourage Jeremiah to stick with it one more year and did a great job.  He didn't qualify for the championship tri-state or midwestern meet but he swam well, was respectful and present and encouraging to other kids.....and I got about 20 hugs from him today.  Jeremiah will move on to tri-state and likely midwestern meets before the season is done.  He is ready to "retire" from swim team but he has some strong swimming left inside of him yet this year.  I'm so, so proud of my boys!  

Claire was chosen by her freshman class as the female representative for Homecoming was a huge honor to be chosen and in addition to dancing at half time of both games last night, they recognized the "royalty court" between games.  She was beautiful and composed and of the dances they did was called "coed" and the theme was super heros.....they performed it last night and again tonight at an event put on by a local arts after a busy homecoming week, and dance and everything, and the swim meet today(which she skipped but had to babysit the littles for a bit) she danced again tonight!  Precious and I went and dad and the boys stayed home and picked up the house and recovered a bit.

I am very ready for a Sabboth day of rest tomorrow....but in I will be smiling and maybe looking over a few more photos I took to remember this great weekend.  My cup is full, my heart is fuller......and my gratefulness is spilling over the top.


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