as seasons change

Summer 2017 is finished.  The kids return to school tomorrow and Josiah goes back to regular daycare...meaning 4 days a week instead of 1 or 2.  I return to my career as a home visiting community health nurse.  I have barely kept my flame burning all summer but it is time to go back to work now.  The children will be settled in their places for about 7 hours a day, 4-5 days a week....that gives me about 28 hours are work, give or take a trip to the grocery store or a haircut.  Maybe even lunch or coffee with a friend......dreamy.

Don't get me wrong.  It was a great summer.  All the kids were given a break from their friend drama, and homework, and betimes and curfews.  We spent a lot of time at the baseball fields and in the pool.  We grilled out.  Kids went to ball camps and theater camp, bible camp, daycare.  Claire went to Haiti, California and served at foster kids camp.  Isaac and Claire worked a lot.  Jeremiah rode his bike all over town and had fun golfing a lot with friends.

We hoped to build a deck but rebuilt a fence instead.....we spent July 4 holiday in Platte, SD by the river with Grandpa and Grandma Kredit.  We had a funeral for my uncle Todd.  We spent a few days in Omaha for school shopping and a day at the zoo.....then a weekend in Okoboji with my dad and Mary last week.  We had brunch a few times and dinner often with my mom and Rick.

With the means we had available to us, I think we had a great family summer.  Laughs.  Memories.  Experiences.  I hope we all know each other better now because starting tomorrow, we all drift apart for most of the days.  Boys are with friends and at football.  Claire is at dance and with dance team and finishing her final year of high school.  Precious will navigate second grade.  Josiah goes to pre-school.....and roger and I move into 21 years of marriage together.  We work hard.  We try to be kind to one another.

School starts tomorrow with alarm clocks set, and backpacks ready.  More disciplined bedtimes.  Homework.  School events that dominate our schedules....and lots of learning and growing....all good things.  The leaves will begin to change color here in the midwest.  The days will get shorter and the nights will get colder.  We will start to eat chili and stew and do less grilling.....we will go to Pumpkinland and get out the sweatshirts.....and watch football....and embrace that seasons change.   


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