August 1 brings things.

August 1 brings mixed feelings, doesn't it?  Teachers feel sad knowing their break is over.  Mothers of school-age children feel hopeful....knowing tearchers' break is almost over....and soon the kids will be back in their care and out of our hair.  Wait.  Did I just say that out loud?  Yes.  I did.  I love my kids.  I love to have them home.  I also love when they go to school and I don't have to worry and wonder and plan and parent from 8am-3:30pm......and actually get my own work done.  My grocery bill will cut in half and instead I will just write checks for hot lunch at school.

August 1 brings one of my last grocery runs that filled my cart with chips.  August is the last month that chips count for a vegetable.  It is the last month of summer for us, but even though school doesn't start for a few weeks football does.  August 1 brings football camp to our lives....and next week football practice for Isaac in high school.....I love football.  I confess I don't really know all the rules because I never played...but I have a girl friend who does (Amy) and I'm thinking I should invite her out for lunch soon to ask a few embarassing questions that she will answer and not laugh at me like my sons would.

August 1 also brings dance team plans and practice for my Claire.  Lots of scheduling and messaging....and we are going to do a few fund-raisers for her high school dance team because they need a financial boost. For sale will be a 9x9 pan of a frozen lasagna or shephard pie that can be thawed and popped in the oven....$10 each.  Let me know if I can put you on the list for pre-orders.  Pick up will be communicated later.  Payment on pick-up.  We will also have a tip night at the Orange City Pizza Ranch on Monday, August 14 if you are local and can attend.....

August also brings plans for Precious Maryn's 8th birthday later this month.  Holy cow.  How did she get to be 8!  She is a fluent reader, and netflix junkie.  She is practicing riding her bike back and forth to school because she is feeling more independent.  I rode with her this weekend (my first time on a bike in maybe a decade)....biking is hard work.  She will dance again this year and there is talk she may give swim team a try as well.....daily she humbles and amazes me.

Jeremiah will start his last year at Sioux Center Christian this year as an 8th grader...and then on to high school.  What?  He is my sweetest, most helpful and kind and generous child.  Every morning that I see his face is a blessing to me.  His hugs are the best.  He has started hanging out with buddies for entire days.  Today they came here to swim and then biked to the movies.  How great is that? sweet baby boy.  He stays my baby for August.  In September he starts pre-school.  I will be displaced on the throne by his soon to be preschool teacher.  It will be "Ms. Kristi says....." for everything.  I know it.  Mom will no longer be the most important person...sigh.

August 1 brings farmers market veggies and planning a date with each of my kids to go out to eat and buy a "back to school outfit"-new tradition this year. ( I'm a quality time love language kinda girl.)  August 1 brings open planners to make sure all the schedules sync up.  It brings to the house friends in the pool, green apples and caramel dip, recipes for sangria, a new phone holder for mom so that when I go for a walk or a run, my phone is on my arm and not in my hand....and a new bible study book by John Piper.  It brings plans to go visit my dad and step-mom at one of my most favorite places.....on the dock of the canals of Lake Okoboji.  We will celebrate their birthdays and 30 years of marriage and talk and share space and time. I will sit on the dock that I love and take lots of deep breaths.

I think, in summary, that August will be a great month, from my view of August 1. 


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