
A couple of  years ago, my friend Liza gave me a gift.  I was visiting her on my birthday and she is an artsy friend.  It was a print that says this.  Hope Changes Everything.  I loved it and put it on my dining room wall with sticky tack....because that is what I do when I find something I want to see every day.  Hope changes everything.

This month, I took down all of the arts and crafts that were on that wall from my children.  Things they had made this past year could come down and make room for new assignments....but Hope Changes Everything just could not go in the garbage or some storage tub.  It is still true.  I moved the print to my bedroom closet door.  Every time I wake up and go to get my clothes, I am reminded that hope changes everything.  It is a call to hope.

Hope that Hurricane Harvey passes without more devastation.
Hope that the political climate in this country gains wisdom.
Hope that the Confederate Flag goes into History as a lesson learned.....and all of the rebellious children find another avenue for their passionate hatred......one that spares lives.
Hope that all children can find loving homes to grow up in, and find their way in the world.
Hope that technology is a fad and not a catalyst.
Hope that truth is more meaningful than lies
Hope that Jesus will be glorified......

Tonight we had an event for our kids' school.  It was a back to school bash and I really didn't want to go.  I took care of a baby from 6:30am until after 1:00.....and I have had a week.  I wanted to do laundry and clean my house and relax.  I faced my reality that I hope to be healthier and in better shape in the future and went for a 3 mile walk instead of pouting.  After the walk I dug through my drawers for what to wear and found a t-shirt I had not seen for awhile.  It was something I had bought for an adoption fund-raiser and the front of the shirt says "Hope Endlessly"

God was not subtle with me today.  He means for me to understand that He is calling me to a thing called Hope.  It is a word we use often but it means something weighty.....hope.  Do not give up.  Do now set it down.  Do not forget to wear....Hope.

Hope that changes everything says that I will not give up on being less than I can be....or less than I can do.  Hoping endlessly says that even when it seems hard.......it still matters to have this thing called Hope.


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