Deep breath moments

I am presently sitting in my screened in porch.  I see the pool reflection glisten on the trees, and the low sunlight in the pool.  It is so peaceful in this moment.  My candle is burning and smelling  let me check the label:  Beachwalk by Yankee Candle.  The ceiling fans are moving air and the birds are singing in the trees......these are the moments, the deep breath moments.....that matter.

I have sensory struggles.  Mostly I struggle with noises.  Yelling, crying, dogs barking, doors slamming, tv and Ipads too loud......and when the whole family ran out to buy fire works and the house is still I take my deep breath moments.  Oh, how I wish I could bottle them for later, but I have to keep waiting for them, and when they come, to seize them.

As I get older and wiser and life gets more and more complicated, I recognize that these deep breath moments are really important.  Going on a walk for exercise isn't enough anymore.  Now, stopping to take a deep breath or two in a beautiful spot along the path matters too.  Reading bedtime stories to my littlest kids isn't enough any more.  Turning off the light and being still once the story ends and taking a few deep breaths.....matters.

In the intensity of the day, I likely hold my breath, bite my tongue, tense up and/or explode.  Lowering that intensity is my responsibility and I am learning that I have a lot of control of that threshold.....and it lies in the deep breaths.

Before the fam comes crashing back in, wanting to show me all the July 4 loot, I think I will finish this post, close my computer, take my glass of wine and go sink my feet into the pool for a few minutes.  I will listen to the birds and watch butterflies and enjoy my dogs as they enjoy the evening shade of our backyard.  I will hear the neighbor working on his windmill project and cars riding by and the crickets.  I will take a few more deep breaths because I am able to....and they matter.  


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