Chris Tomlin - Home.....a video.....and part 2 of the saying good-bye words

This song has been very important to Todd and Cyndi as they prepared for Todd to finish well here on Earth.  He wanted to hear it in his last hours and so we played it and stood around him and we listened and we cried and we agreed.  Going home is a crying thing, a reflective important thing.  Today, I was struck over and over by how many things Todd can do today in Heaven that he could not do on Earth.....and after sharing life with him for so long, I had forgotten how much he was missing.  He isn't missing anything now that he is home.....He can walk and run and laugh and dance and sing and raise his arms in praise and bow down low before Creator God....things he has only been able to do in his mind for many years.

At one point yesterday, in prayer, he said that the sacrifice of his legs was worth it to keep his mind.  His mind was sharp.  In the things of God, and the walk with Him, it is the battle of the mind that we are always waging and warring.  It is in our minds and our thoughts and our choices that we take spiritual ground and lose it over and over, regarding the will of God.  Todd was praising the Lord that he was spared his mind.  I will not forget this wisdom and I hope that by writing it out, I can preserve the challenge to respect the power of the mind.

Our minds will lead us to the Lord or away from it.  Our thoughts will dictate our actions, our emotions, our motivations.....and if we can choose to yield them to Almighty God and allow him to lead us, we can ultimately have this assurance that we are going Home to Jesus at the end of our days.

Romans 12:2 says:  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

As Todd praised the Lord for preserving his mind, I also want to praise the Lord for my mind and ask him to help me to daily be willing to renew my mind, asking Him for what His will is for me.  I want to quiet the screaming of the world, telling me who and how to be and think and act......and rather to fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith.  In his earthly body, for 32 years Todd could not raise his hands in praise or bow down low in humble awe......but I can.  You can, too.  Maybe not publicly if you are more private and inhibited, but scripture tells us that if we do not bow down, the mountains and hills will cry out in praise.....and so even if it is in the mind, when we worship, we must.......we must.

I have cried today.....but not tears of sorrow that he is gone.  It's more like tears of relief that his suffering and bondage to this earthly body have ended.  He has his new body in Heaven.  He is free.  Forever.  If I miss him on Earth, I hope that I can just consider Heaven and all the beauty that is waiting there for me......and one day I will also pack my bags and take my journey there.....we who believe in Jesus, and who have accepted salvation in Him.....we are also on the journey Home.  It may just take a bit longer.

If there are readers who are aching or hearing a knock on the door of their heart and soul....who also want this assurance of salvation, and this ticket Home.....and you are not sure how to get there.....please reach out.  Reach out to a spiritual friend or pastor, or reach out to me.  I'm no preacher but I think I can point you in the right direction to Jesus......


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