good-bye uncle Todd part 4.....most likely the last of the series.

Today was funeral day.  Not gonna lie, I was not looking forward to it.  We started the day with an epic meltdown......and I used up about 75% of my parenting energy in that hour.....but then with some prayer and careful parent moves, we were able to move forward.

The funeral was significant.  Worthy words were prayed and spoken and sung.....and Jesus was glorified in Todd's life which was the main thing he wanted.  I shared a list of some things I feel like I have learned from Todd or through Todd and asked everyone there to listen as I read each one and see what resonated with them.   My hope was that there would be ideas we could all take and move forward in the world doing good things in Jesus name, and in Todd's honor, really.

I few people asked for a copy of the list so I will post it here.  Thanks folks, for reading along while I worked through my heart ache of this good-bye.  Thanks for encouraging me to write and to be real.  Thanks for reminding me that we are all in this together.  I will keep writing, as the Spirit leads, and sometimes as I need to vent.  This is my therapeutic lounge afterall.  I welcome you along on the journey of this life and writing on this blog, for now, helps me on the journey.  Here is the list.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.  Romans 12:12
Care about people.
Adversity is inevitable but misery is optional.
Unapologetically be who you are.
Live your passions.
Be silly sometimes.
Wear your seat belts.
Make good friends.
Enjoy the sunset.
Cook for people.
Read your bible.
Listen to music.
Love your family.
Know that horses matter.
Use good manners.
Dress your best.
Show interest in other people's lives.
Accept the salvation in Jesus that leads to eternal life.
If at all possible, finish well.


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