mama bird starts to look at the emptying of the nest......ugh.

I have a stirring in me to write something about when our birdies start to leave the nest.  I hate everything about this but as it goes, I need to start writing about it.  For me.

I hate this because I am a mama bird and I love to have my birds in our nest.  Period.  I love to count them as we sit at the table, as we get in the car, as we file into our row in I wonder if there will ever be more birdies in the nest.....and as I marvel at the beautiful thing it is to be their mama.

This week, Claire was on a vacation with my parents and her cousin.  The rest of us left for a 3 day adventure in Omaha which included shopping, dinner out to Spaghetti Works downtown, and the zoo.  My count was off.  I had to stop at 4 and that was really hard for my brain.  This was practice for when she graduates and is more gone than she even is now....

She will go.  As will her siblings after her....and eventually (someday) it will just be Roger and I.  When I see empty-nesting couples I often wonder how they spend their time....what do they do?  What do they talk about?  What fills their prayers?  I guess I will start to find out gradually, thank goodness.  Claire will be leaving us in a year to pursue whatever dreams and goals and aspirations suit her.  We will have parented her the best we know how to reach her adulthood....and then we get to watch and see what she does with that. She will start the ball rolling and then we will watch a few more go.....Roger and I had a little mini dream conversation as we travelled about buying a small RV and driving it around the country to see things and visit our kids.  We both smiled while we talked about that.

I am at attachment parent.  I only understand security, physical touch, connection.  This will be a grand adventure for me as I learn to be an attached parent to an adult child.  Yikes.

I will not "empty nest" any time soon.  Josiah is just starting pre-school in the fall....but it is beginning and it is significant.  At least it is to me.  


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