preparing for Dressember explains the "wearing dresses in December movement" to raise awareness for the social disease of human trafficking. International Justice Mission also has a website that describes it.....and around here, you may find various groups of women who are standing together in dresses for the month of December. Some are actively raising money to help fight the battle. Others are wearing dresses to raise awareness. Still others are just along for the ride, not really sure where they fit in just yet. And that's ok. I had a visit with a new friend this afternoon and she said that she and some of her friends are doing a fund-raising activity for Dressember. As I drove home, in the misty rainy snow (or snowy rain.......) I did some contemplating again. Why am I doing Dressember this year? I think it is fair to ask myself that every year I decide to participate. Why? What does it mean for me? What do I hope to accompl...