
Ephesians 2:10 says "For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."  I am claiming this promise tonight.  I heard God whisper the phrase "you are a masterpiece" and so I think this is what He wants me to know and share.  Bear with me, folks.

I came home from a 10 hour work day today, and the house was, again, in shambles.  Dirty dishes cluttered the kitchen and August flies were reproducing at an alarming rate over the residue from a day's worth of cooking and eating.  Dirty dishes and cups were scattered around the house.  Wet towels and little kids clothes were strewn about the floor.  The boys were babysitters today....and had extra kids around because it is still summer for a few more days.....and I wasn't mad.  I wasn't.  It is the signature of summer here, to come home from work to the evidence of a day lived in this many, many children.  Roger got supper made and served up and left for golf and so when I got home at 7pm from my very, very long day, I got to see everything that explained the day here.  All the little people were safe and intact.  The boys were splashing in the pool having a blast, Josiah asleep in the chair.  (yes.  at 7pm).

I went to the couch to collapse and sit a bit after cleaning up the kitchen and warming up left-overs.  My bible sat there on the floor, wedged between the couch and the end table.  I wondered how long it had been there.  When did I open it last?  Too many days have passed since I sat in the quiet moment with my bible and the Lord......and I felt guilty and dismayed and lonely for the Lord.

Just now, I scheduled a photo appointment for my family with a pro photographer who is passing through town this week.  He's coming over in a few days and will do some pictures of my family because, well, other than my sweetest, dearest friends taking them for free, we have not had family photos taken.  For about a decade.  I hate that this is true but it is.  Finding outfits is overwhelming, making sure everyone has their hair cut is impossible.  The weather, the hoping I can lose 50 lbs and then schedule the photo shoot......means that we have no family photos for years and years.

God says, we are His masterpiece.  I am His masterpiece.  Even though I will hate the photos of myself and feel full of anxiety over the process......I have to get over it.  I have to get past the feeling of being less than, and falling short on health, fitness, financial success, beauty, minutes logged in with God in prayer and scripture.......I have to get over it.  I am paying good money in a couple days to  I am His masterpiece.  Just as I am.  Warts and all.  In Christ Jesus, I was created to do good things that He planned long ago....and I am deciding to celebrate them.

This relative of a friend will show up and he will do his job and we will be wearing whatever we can find and scrape together that is clean, and we will make some awesome pictures that will show our family being us, right now.

 God will whisper scripture to me, when I cannot find the time and peace to sit in His presence with His Holy Word.....and He will plant deep seeds of longing in my soul for days ahead when I can go to a quiet place with just Him, and His Word, and really soak in His presence.  For today.  He has declared me and you and us.....His Masterpiece......just as we are....because we are in Christ Jesus and long, long ago, he had a list of good things we can do.  Lets try to do them......


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