Back to school outfits!

I remember as a child, my mom took me "back to school" shopping.  We had a list and we followed it.  Gym shoes, "school" know, those ugly, clunky brown ones?  (super sturdy, those school shoes. )  Socks, underwear, 2-3 pants and several tops......all purchased in one trip to JC Penny store in downtown Sioux City, Iowa.  It was a mixture of feeling excited and feeling aweful because there was never enough money to get fun stuff.  Just the basic stuff we needed.  My mom would stand at the counter and rub her head and I knew she had a head ache and was stressed out about how much everything costed.  I worried that what I got would not be the same as all of my friends but I didn't dare say that.  After we finished spending our money, we would buy a bag of swedish fish and sit and people-watch and make up stories about their lives.  "See him?  I bet he just got his first job as a teacher...." etc.

My experience as a mom to 5 is a bit different.  I, too, get the headache and my stomach gets queezy when we have to do all of the initial school spending.  What's different is that I opened up a laptop last week and told the boys to go to the website of their favorite sports store and just get what they need and leave it in the online shopping cart while I was at work.  They didn't want to give up even one day of summer break to drive out of town to shop.  They did well, too.  Only "needs" and no "wants"....they are good boys.  Precious decided what look she wanted for her back to school outfit but didn't have the sit in her to help me make I tried to duplicate "the look" in the evening.  Did you know you have to make the purchase  THAT DAY or you lose everything in the shopping cart?  That would NEVER happen at JC Pennys.

Precious' "look" is high top sneakers, black leggings, a t-shirt and a plaid shirt around her waist.  It's a hip hop thing.  I imagine it is influenced by her dance classes.....and something much deeper.  I finally today was able to piece together "the look" and got it ordered.....maybe in time for the first day of school next week.  Fingers are crossed.

Claire is so, so busy that a day of shopping for her back to school outfit may not happen.  We picked up a few things this weekend in Okoboji....and she told me she has things in her closet she can work with.....because she knows that it all costs something.

Josiah will throw a tantrum because he has no outfit nor a first day of school.  I'm hoping for some walmart score in the next few days to keep him happy.

Kids can go back to school without a new outfit.  Many do.  My kids?  They get to stand for their photo and smile in something new....because it makes me happy.  


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