unpacking CAFO 2016

I returned home tonight from the Christian Alliance for the Orphan Summit 2016 today, around 5:00pm.  My head hurts with the weight of all I heard and experienced and learned, and yet, oddly, my heart is heavy with peace.  And faith.  Our God loves all of his children.  Even me.  Especially me.  I came home ready for chaos and a household that reflected 5 children plus one Grace and one daddy that had lived without the mama for 4 days.  Instead, I opened the door to Grace who was so, so happy to see me......and a very clean house.  Grace and Claire cleaned yesterday for me, as a Mother's Day gift.  I got all my peeps back home and it was too late to make a dinner plan so we ordered pizza.

Perhaps the expectation was that I would come home from this event with a fire in me for a ministry (but I have one), or a longing to adopt (but I have done that), or a call to the orphan (which I have already responded to), or a plan to advocate for Christian foster care  (which I already do).......I'm guessing some of the 1740 attendees of this conference worldwide are processing these things tonight.  For me, I had a pleasant surprise.  God let me sit in workshops that talked about helping families, about nurturing caregivers, and caring for myself.  God called me to a higher assignment of being kind to myself for a season......and that, my friends, is a gift.

I have lots of good things to think and write about that this conference brought to the surface.  I will unpack them in time.  For tonight, I want you all to know that our Heavenly Father gives good gifts and gives what we need.  A time of rest and reflection and kindness and joy is my assignment for now.  I know He is setting this up, so that I can be filled back up for the next and the next and the next things coming, and that's ok.  When He calls me back out, I will be ready.


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