
This photo is from last summer's vacation in northern California.  I enjoy looking at these photos from our trip last year.  This is one of those moments that will not happen twice.  I say that, primarily, because we sold the RV and there is no way we can afford to take all 7 of us back to the northern  Pacific ocean beach any time soon......but also for other reasons.  Never again will Claire be 15.....or Precious Maryn 5 years old, and able to share this moment as sisters........10 years is a big age gap for sisters.  

Tonight they shared a new bonding ritual.  Claire introduced Precious to the movie High School Musical.  All of us girls sat in the basement tonight and watched the movie together and Precious loved it and Claire loved that she could share it with her little sister.  I loved that Claire could release the pressure valve of her own stress regarding high school drama.  It's been a hard high school week for Claire with girls she thought were friends who are not being very friendly....typical teen drama but still hard to endure at the end of a long school year.  I'm so grateful she is willing to bring me in to this part of her life so that I can suggest watching a movie like High School Musical.  Perspective happens easier when we are all singing and snuggling in the dark.  

Jeremiah had his first baseball game tonight and they got smoked.  It was painful.  After the game, he, Grace and I walked the mile or so home and took deep breaths and enjoyed the beautiful night......and made one more memory for Grace to take with her to Korea.  (
Tomorrow we need to get her packed up and ready to leave Sunday morning.)

This is Memorial Weekend and we are called to remember and give honor to those who died for us, and for our freedom.  Remembering matters.  Making memories matters.


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