Spring 2016/Mayday!.....and a "yes" day.

Every year, I long for the month of May.  May means warm days, flowers, soccer and baseball......it means planning for summer and easier days.  Every year, I seem to get May Amnesia.  I have decided this is a real condition.

Every May I look at my calendar with dis-may......pardon the pun.  So many things on the agenda.  Concerts and programs and graduations and events.  Work deadlines and conferences and trainings.  I am an introvert.  I like to be home.  Each of these things causes me stress and a draining of energy.  They are all good things, things to celebrate and savor.....but they empty my cup.

How do I fill my cup?  Espeically in May??????

I have a strategic plan to start my work schedule a bit later in the morning so that I can get everyone situated and then go for a walk or some form of exercise.  I know that if I am in better shape I feel less exhausted and stressed.  I also have a plan for meals......and have shopped purposefully this weekend and planned our meals so that I am not scrambling at 5:30 every night this week, knowing we have somewhere to be by 6:45pm.

The other discipline I hope to get better at is being mindful every day.  Living in the moment....feeling every emotion and owning every thought.  This is a discipline, esp
ecially in American culture.  Tomorrow, I need to be mindful of every encounter I have with people, in work and in family time.  I need to be mindful as I prepare and eat my meals.  Mindful when I exercise, when I pray, when I worship the Lord.  Mindful when I remember that May 23 is a "yes" day for our home.  3 years ago, Josiah was a 6 month old baby and he was in need of help......his birth mama, Heidi needed our help to say "yes" and we did.  "yes" turned into forever.....and for him, we cannot call it "gotcha day" because this day is sad for Roger and I.  It is sad for Josiah and for his birth mama......so instead, we will refer to May 23 as our "yes" day.

The cool thing about a "yes" day is that every year, on May 23 I can ask God for ways to say "yes"....especially if I am being mindful.  I plan to do this tomorrow.  I hope someone out there reading might choose to try it too!


  1. Because I love you, I'm joining in. Tomorrow I'm asking God where he wants my yes!


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