an appeal, a reflection, a prayer......around this Confederate flag issue in my town.....

I remember being a teen in this town.  I remember wanting to stand for something and feel righteous about the ignorance and close-minded-ness of the adults in my community.  I get it. I loved playing the card that said that all the grown-ups are hypocrites and I knew what the real truth was...... It is part of growing up, to feel somewhat disgusted with the common opinion of your elders.  I'm all about typical child development......but hear this.  Bringing back a symbol of hatred and division will only perpetuate hatred and division.
History is what it is.  We all get to interpret history in ways that mean something to us.  Lately, I have read and experienced a variety of opinions surrounding the history and meaning of the Confederate I watch the young adults of my community get angry and rebellious and passionate about their rights to fly this flag up and down the main street of this town.  One argument is that this flag no longer represents the same thing.....that black slavery and economy based on slave labor were something that was "then".....and should not be associated with this flag now.  People.  Try test that theory.  Fly that flag in the back of your pick-up truck downtown Chicago, or Detroit, or Los Angeles or anywhere that has a large population of African Americans.  These Americans may have a different opinion, and possibly be......offended.  And take action.

Does the desire to feel "country" and tap into the "dukes of hazzard" mentality carry enough weight to face off with those who have directly suffered under this confederate flag? Is it worth it to divide your community and cause animosity and fear?  If you want to feel "country" buy some cowboy boots and a hat and play some country music.......but please, please, please take down that flag.

I live here, too.

I have children who are African American and even in the best circumstance, I need to explain to them why black people have less advantage and privelege than whites.....must I also try to explain this flag?  Please.  Can't this one dark part of history just live in history class and not on the main street of my town?  I love country.....I love having fun and feeling alive and free......and I think my kids deserve to feel the same way.

I am asking, as a mama who loves all children, and especially my own, to not make this a thing.  Please, please, please....choose another thing.  Beat the drum for social justice, for equality, for right to life, for adoption, for the rescue of Syrian refugees......for the increase of minimum wage, for keeping families intact and avoiding divorce or abuse or whatever, for standing against domestic violence or animal neglect......for anything......anything.....except this thing that seems harmless to you but is really not.

I am older, wiser, and have lived longer and cried more tears than most of the young people I am thinking of as I am writing this.  Please, Lord God, let something here strike a chord that will change this tune and become something Jesus name.


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