Lauren Daigle - First (Lyrics)

I have loved this song for months already, but today I loved it as if for the first time.  Today, I could really worship and connect with Jesus as I sang it out, as loud as I could.  I was driving and it was snowy and overcast and a bit melancholy......and I started singing this and worshipin the Creator God......and I felt His pleasure.  I even saw an Eagle in a tree along the road, as if to verify the Holiness of the moment....

I wish I could say it was one of many intimate moments I have had with the Father this week.  It was the first.  Kinda ironic that the song is called "First" don'tcha think?  Every day this week, I have felt a prick of guilty conscience that I started my day running, yelling, moving kids around....and not in quiet prayer and worship and scripture.  This is NOT my season to start days that way, I guess.  I long for it, to wake up and have coffee and prayer and open my bible and read and listen and receive God's lesson for my day.  Oh, how I long for that....and to go for a walk or a run and pray through my prayer list.....and worship some more....and then start my work day all filled up and such.

Truth is.....I start my days empty and begging for strength and God's will most of the time.  I start my days running and cussing under my breath (or out loud) and then feeling guilty for being so much less than I want to be.....I start my days putting out fires, delivering forgotten snow pants, cashing checks, paying bills, hunting for missing library books and setting up visits around the community.

For now, I can't start my days in communion with God......and instead......some days.....he finds me....first.  The song comes on the radio, my heart stirs.....His Spirit moves and I notice.  I take a few deep breaths and I sing to Him, and He sings over me......and we have devotion for one another......sometimes on a Thursday for the first time all week.....

I wish the first devotion always came on Monday mornings at 6am, but when it doesn't, I'll take my first devotion whenever He helps me find it.....even mid-day on a Thursday.


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