What if I write a book?

This weekend I attended the annual COMPEL conference, held in Sioux City, Iowa.  My friend Jen leads this and it is good every year.  My mom and I have been going for at least 6 or 7 years now.  Its Friday night through Saturday afternoon with a different speaker every year.  I wish I had my notes....they are out in the dining room and I'm in the bedroom at 9:11pm with Precious....she just settled in.  I'm not leaving.

This year I missed the Friday night session because it was Homecoming at Claire's high school  She danced at half-time of both games and I wanted to be there so I left at 8:30pm to drive an hour to the game.  It was good that I did because after her first routine, she realized she was missing part of her costume/props for the next show.  Mom ran through the snow, tried not to speed from Orange City to Sioux Center, down the dark roads home to find the bag of lights she needed, and make it back in time.....

Another dance mom and I made it to the conference just as it ended.  We talked a bit with other ladies.....but lets face it.....I'm an introvert and a morning person.  I was eager for a quiet night's sleep in a hotel with 2 ladies instead of 2 children and 2 dogs.....so I was the first one in bed.  woo hoo!

I woke first.....and showered quickly, got dressed and left the room.  Instead of McDonalds or sweet hotel pastries, I treated myself to the good breakfast upstairs.....I watched dawn awaken and ice float down the river and there was hardly another soul in sight, except the waiter.  I sipped coffee and prayed and smiled and took deep breaths.  This, people, is what's known as "Self Care".  An act of good-will caused me to sweet-talk the waiter into a couple of fruit/granola/yogurt parfaits for my hotel roomies....which I delivered with pride.

The conference was great.  I am inspired and resolved and ready for more with God, less with the world.....

There was an afternoon session I attended called:  If you want to be a writer.....or something like that.  2 published authors hosted the conversation.  We discussed blogging and being published....and I asked how someone goes from writing on a blog....to writing a book.

The authors had good feedback.  Write well on the blog.  Connect with other authors.

This is a bit of an appeal I guess.  If I'm not writing well, please let me know.  If my spelling and grammar are lacking, please help me fix it.  One of my life-long dreams for ever and always, long before I ever wanted to be a wife, a nurse, a mama.....was to write a book.  For me to do that, I need an audience and I need well-written work.  I have the audience.....you folks out there who faithfully read.  I can work on my craft and write well.....and then comes the question.......

If I write a book.....what will I write about?  ....(I would actually welcome some response here).....


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