Intentionally......doing less. Really. I am. I mean it.

Last weekend, we went to Claire's high school game on Friday night because it was Homecoming.  She was to dance 3 different routines throughout the night and we both wanted to be there.  After her last performance, I left to go to a women't retreat called COMPEL....that I wrote about earlier.  I got home from that late afternoon on Saturday and before I even hit my driveway, I went to the grocery store to get needed food staples for home.  I got home, we did dinner and family life.....Sunday morning Claire and I got up around 6am to drive through fog and ice to a nearby town (30 plus minutes away) for a morning of dancing at 3 different church.....then home for fast dinner and as much napping as possible......than a Sunday evening of catching my breath.

Monday morning, I took Isaac to the chiro.  He's been having back pain and this doctor says that he has never seen this level of pain and crunched up spine and muscle in a kid so young.  Well.  Thanks.  That's because he asked me for a month to schedule him for the chiro and I kept forgetting.  Chiro asked us about the weekend and my response was something like this...."well, we were kinda chill, right Isaac?  Not too much going on....."  

It didn't dawn on me until today, when I put on my COMPEL tee-shirt from last weekend, to dash out the door....and it all came to me.  Last weekend was crazy busy for me.....and by the next morning, I was thinking it was a rather low-key weekend.  What the heck.  I am not very in tune with things here right now.

It felt today like I am in an avalanche and look out the window and say......"o look!  its a pretty snow ball.....".  Today, I was able to step on the brakes.  The only housework I did was a couple loads of laundry and made "healing cabbage soup" for Roger and I because we are both developing colds.  I did a few hours worth of paper work, then we went to the library and did puzzles and read books..and got Precious her first library card...and took 12 books home.  Precious said "no" to the grocery store or going to get our meal from Uncle Todd.  Groceries will wait.  Claire got the food from Todd on the way home.  We are going to dig into beef ziti pasta, garlic bread and lemon pie.  Josiah fell asleep mid-afternoon and is still snoring.....and he needs to catch up on sleep.  Boy.  Does he ever.

Living in Iowa, the race to the presidential elect is wearing on me.  I'm no longer nice when they call.  If they stumble and fumble over who they are talking to....I hang up.  I realize that after caucus on Monday, Iowa will no longer be a force or an issue.   Fine by me.  I'm tired of the intrusion on the phone at home, my cell, my email, my social media, the television.

I had proposed to Roger that this weekend we could tackle one of our big clutter areas......and work on it tonight, tomorrow and if necessary, Sunday.  I've had a change of heart.  Lets just wear our slippers, snuggle our littles, live with the mess and put it off.  Lets watch a movie, pull up a warm blanket, pet our dogs, drink wine.  Lets dream of summer and design a deck we cannot afford.  and shop for a hot tub that we don't need but are definitely gonna buy.  Lets try sell our camper.....

Its 5:45.  I cannot wait for him to finally get home from work so I can tell him that tonight....we are doing less.  


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