We do when we can.....rather than we do what we can.

 At work, not long ago, we were talking about making plans, taking trips, doing the above and beyond kinds of things and  a co-worker said they were thinking about a trip but weren't sure if they should go or not.  I told her, "Do the things.  Do all of the things.  We only get one trip around in this life and we should make as much of it count as we can!"  She told me later that she booked the trip and they went.  It just matters.  

There is never enough time to do the things, and certainly not enough money to do the things, and maybe all the things are not practical or necessary.....but I stand by my philosophy that whenever possible.....do the things.  

Allowing Precious to try out for and join a travelling club volleyball team was pretty outrageous.....and definitely extra.....and not very practical.  We did it because she was having a really hard year with school friends and was feeling pretty low.....and this would expand her world a bit more and speak life and love into her passion for sports.  

Today we finished the season.  Her team played in the nationals tournament in Florida against teams from Puerto Rico, South Carolina, California.....everywhere.  We made it a vacation trip and bought airfare for the entire family and are staying in a cute little villa in a town called Kissimee.....and it has been a stressful week.  It has been a stressful week.  It has been...ok you get the point.  

Precious is neurodivergent.  She processes things differently than most other typical people.....which makes lots of situations harder.  This was no exception but guess what?  She did it.  She showed up every single game and did her job, cheered for her teammates, managed her emotions and fatigue and hunger and frustration like a freaking champ.  

Oh, and they were champs too.  They barely missed the "gold" bracket for their category.....and the silver bracket is called the Consolation bracket for AAU Jr. Nationals Volleyball apparently.  (dumb name) and they won that.   Yes.  Yes they did.  

I am so proud of my girl.  So, so proud.  I think she understands what a big deal it was that she got to do this.....and I know she feels proud to be a part of it, too.  Several times over the past week she made comments about not wanting to do club ball.....until after we won the bracket today.  Now she is saying, "next year when we come can we do....." 

In as much as we are able, I intend to try really hard to keep doing the things.....making the memories, building friendships, building character and learning life skills through whatever vessel we are offered in our one magical, stressful, exhausting, overwhelming, exceptional and beautiful life here on Earth.  


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