a lesson in the clouds

 Today is June 21, the longest day of the year, Summer Solstice.  The first day of summer is today!  We are in Florida for a vacation/volleyball national championship tournament for Precious.  We are making new friends here which is a big deal at 55 years old.  We are appreciating all the things in Florida that are different than home....the trees and flowers, the wildlife, the skies.  Here in Orlando you can have 3 separate thunderstorms and in between hours and hours of sunshine.....back home they are crying out for rain.  

    This morning my devotional challenged me to ask God to reveal himself to me through nature....and so I did.  I love fresh revelation....and I love the skies especially with clouds.....and I love the Lord.  We did lots of things today on vacation....but I also watched the skies and noticed the clouds and recognized the bigness of the sky, the power of the wind, and the beauty of the clouds. 

    He didn't have to make it all so interesting.....it could have just been functional and mundane....but he chose to create beauty in the natural things that are every-changing and impossible to copy.  You cannot paint or photograph or describe in words what the skies look like on the first day of summer in Florida.  It is unique to today and will never look exactly the same at the same time ever again.  Today was irreplaceable. 

    Maybe that's my takeaway for the challenge to ask God to reveal himself to me in nature today.  Maybe my revelation is to see the irreplaceable, to notice the interesting and unique details in nature and to give credit to the author and artist who creates beauty for irreplacable you and irreplaceable me.  

    You and I....we are irreplaceable.  We should live that way and not dwell too long on the things that don't matter for more than a day.  We should hold space in a room like we are one of a kind, unique and special, wonderful and amazing.....just like the sky today in Florida.  


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