Holy Week day 5

 It is Maundy Thursday and in the Reformed church we recognize tonight as the night that Jesus had the last supper with his diciples, was betrayed by Judas, and was arrested.  It is the night that we know from the Bibl, that he asked that if possible, he be spared from this assignment but as we know, it was part of a bigger plan....to save us....and so he did it.  He did it all.  

I have not had this assignment from God but I have had other ones that are hard.  Early on in my walk with Him I would either say no or I would argue and wrestle with Him before I said yes.  As I matured my yes came quicker.  But quicker is not easier.  God has called me to adoption, to foster care, to help the hurting and the lost, to live sacrificially....and it is not an easy yes.  I see others with more, with better, with easier and I can start to feel really sorry for myself....until I remember that His ask is my yes.  My yes is His best.  His best is my way and the only way for me.  

Maundy Thursday reminds me that this is my way because this is His way.....and it is the best way.  


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