a public service announcement today

 April is Child Abuse Prevention month.  It has been Child Abuse Prevention month as long as I can remember.  This is something that is very important to me, and a big chunk of what I do professionally and personally.....strive to prevent child abuse.  

Children deserve to be safe, healthy and loved.  They deserve to be in relationships with caring adults who are supportive and who strive to make their lives good.  Sometimes this looks like foster care and/or adoption.  Sometimes it looks like education, sports, dance, tumbling, lego club at the library, Spanish club after school and so much more.  Sometimes it looks like teaching parents of kids birth to three how to care for their kiddos in ways that build trust and secure attachment instead of fear and isolation and independence.....child abuse prevention looks like so many things.  

Child abuse prevention may be me noticing the kids that walk by my house to and from school everyday.  Do they look safe?  do they look happy?  do they have friends?  do they have a warm coat?  a backpack?  decent shoes?   If I am at the park do I notice children there and wonder the same?  Are there kids at school who don't want to go home, avoid being home, run away from home?  What are they running from?  Wondering and asking and being aware is all a part of child abuse prevention.  

Another aspect of child abuse prevention is supporting parents, teachers, daycare workers and other caregivers like grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. who care for children....asking how they are doing....offering a helping hand or a meal or a break or help paying for a sitter, anything that sends the message that we understand that caring for children is hard work.  We all need help once in awhile.  No one is expected to raise children independently.....it is always done best in relationship with others.  

Kids thrive on attention, affection, routine, safety and play.  We all know how hard this pandemic has been on people.  It has been hard on everyone......but the effects on our kids may be more subtle.  It may be harder to identify hurting kids after they have been isolated for months and months.....so help me raise awareness and notice the kids in our sphere influence and do our best to protect and care for them.  Thanks!  


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