Number Four

 Today is Precious Maryn's birthday.  She is 11.  Last night when I tucked her into bed and prayed for her, I prayed for her birth mom, that wherever she is, if she was thinking about the night she went into labor with Precious, and about her birthday, that the Lord would bless her.  I prayed that she would have joy and peace in Jesus.  She gave us an amazing gift when she chose us to be Precious' parents 11 years ago.  

There was no way I could have known what our lives would look like 11 years ago when we were matched with this beautiful baby girl.  God would reveal to us over and over again, his providence, his purpose, his plan and his perfect love in all of the ways we were ill-equipped, unprepared, and overwhelmed.  She is a blessing and she is challenging me to dig deep, lean in to God every day, and strive to be a better version of myself in all things.  Precious is special.  

Precious is a really good friend.  She is kind and she is thoughtful.  She is intentional.  The friends who come back frequently are sweet kids.  She is also really good with kids younger than herself and can be so patient and tolerant which blows my mind because we don't see that here with her younger siblings, but whatever.  It's inside of her.  She is also contemplative and a really deep thinker.  She doesn't say much so if she feels like talking it is very important to hit the pause button and listen.  

Precious loves music.  She loves to dance and sing and she loves her string bass and her trombone....and she thinks she wants to play the ukelele.....but I don't know a teacher and she's not exactly a self-learner.  She didn't get a ukelele for her birthday, incidently.  

We spent the day today celebrating her.  She got donuts for breakfast, we picked up her favorite cupcakes (pre-ordered) from our favorite cupcake baker.  She opened presents and played with the neighbors.  Nana made her monster cookies instead of cake per her request.  She got DQ for lunch and we went out of town to a park, a butterfly house and a water park with friends.  We got home late to find Isaac moving his stuff out for college even though we had planned to do it all tomorrow and Jeremiah and friends in the hot tub and Claire popping in after moving some of her things to campus as well.  Isaac and Jeremiah signed a birthday card for her, gave her a hug and slid a $20 in the envelope for her (also a mom prompt) and she was thrilled.  She felt seen and heard and loved today and that is the point of a birthday in my opinion.

Happy birthday sweet girl.  We love you beyond words and cannot imagine life without you.  


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