Number Five

 Josiah is the fifth kid in birth order here.  Interestingly, if he had remained in his birth family, he was also the 5th child of his birth mom.  That's kind of cool, I think.  Josiah is 7. He is growing into this really cool human that is a perfect blend of competent and mature and trustworthy, mixed in with sweet and tender and silly.  Yesterday he and and I took a walk with the dog.  It was hot and muggy.  I was walking the dog and he was breezing ahead on his segway he got for his 7th birthday.  We passed by the city pool.  Later he asked if he could go to the pool.  It was mid-afternoon but I said ok, if you think you can manage by yourself.  He took one of the free admission tokens on our counter that we were given by someone, hopped on his bike, biked the few blocks over there, stayed a few hours and biked home all by himself.  That's a perk of a small town, by the way.  He also said he wanted to learn to cook so he has mastered corn dogs in the toaster oven and we had our first attempt at mac and cheese.  

Josiah is worried about school starting.  He hasn't been sleeping well at night and has been anxious and uncertain.  Home is steady.  He feels confident and brave at home and he is willing to try new things and push himself but school?  We haven't done school for 5 months.  This morning I asked the assistant principal if maybe we could come to school soon and see his classroom.  Without hesitation she said yes, and also that his teacher could meet us there.  We got to do that before lunchtime today.  He saw where the classroom is, where his desk is, where he will hang his backpack....he asked her questions and he smiled and giggled and explored just enough to feel safer there.  I'm so grateful for our school.  Please pray with me that the schools here can stay open and kids can go to school for in-person education.  It is so much more important than just the reading and writing.....for Josiah its also about confidence and resilience.  It matters.  

Joe is no longer the baby in this family.  As some know, we have taken a foster placement this summer who is younger that Josiah.  That has changed the dynamics here a lot.  I'm super proud of him even though some days are a major struggle bus for him.  He has grown up a lot.  Josiah gets to play flag football this year.  It's first and second fun is that?!  He will have 5 weeks of learning the game on Thursday evenings.  I.  Can't. Wait.  Even after 5 kids, every time one gets to do something new it's exciting.  I'll be his biggest fan on the sidelines, for sure.  

I'm very grateful that God decided to let me be Josiah's second mom.  When I think about him and his life, I am humbled and awed by the magnitude of this responsibility.  I am also thrilled to get to be his biggest fan and walk with him through life, as he learns about the world, and people and Jesus and love.  The world needs Josiah in it....and he is only just getting started.  


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