puddles in June

I learned something from my little extra Kredit today.  Well, I actually learn something from our extra Kredit every day.  This one I can share.

Today extra Kredit and I went to softball.  It was my turn to drive for carpool and even though my schedule was crazy busy, I figured out the plan to make it work.  Precious and friends took the field and XK and I went to the park.  Before long, he needed to go to the bathroom so we left the playground and headed for the park restroom.  He was trotting down a small hill and hit a puddle on concrete pavement and totally wiped out.  I was a few steps ahead and heard his head hit the pavement, I kid you not.  He was flat out on his back, in a puddle, and started to wail.  It was a hard, hard fall....I rushed to his side and did a quick check and thank goodness there was no blood.  His head hurt, and he was wet and startled but seemed to be ok.  We found our way to the bathroom.  He came out and I gave him a squeeze and asked if he was alright.  He looked up at me with his big bright eyes and asked if maybe he could take off his shoes and shirt and go back and splash in the puddles.  

He's just a little kid.  He is young and small and has been through more than most adults I know.....but he is so strong and brave and resilient and full of adventure and hope and joy.....yes, little buddy, yes you can.

So I took off his wet shirt and shoes and he went back the very same puddle that had slayed him moments earlier and he splashed.  Then he ran through it.  Then he ran through the next one and the next one....he jumped and ran and laughed and splashed and with each pass he gained speed and confidence and I got to stand by and watch.  I took pictures and made videos.....I enjoyed him running and splashing and laughing and giving me orders when to say "ready set go!"

The very water that dropped him down and caused him pain and tears and distress became his playground and his vessel for many good things within minutes.  MINUTES.  

I can learn from extra Kredit.  There is a long list of things that have dropped me, leveled me, hurt me and stressed me out and my tendency is to run from them and avoid dealing with them or trying to conquer them and yet, little mister didn't flee.....he didn't blame....he didn't cower or lay low.  He got up.  He looked it all over.  He decided to make the best of what had just moments before dropped him down and the kiddo had a blast.  I want to be brave like him.  I want to be able to look at my adversity and see something wonderful there.  I want to jump in and splash and run and laugh and move through it until I forget what was scary and hurtful there.  I want to be like him.  He is wonderful.  He is so strong.  He is so so brave.  He is loving and he is pretty stinkin' awesome.  How lucky am I to get to take a few steps with him this side of heaven.....him and me, splashing in puddles in June.  


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